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Wire and Cable Supplies were formed by a management team with many years experience in manufacturing and distribution of electrical wires and cables. It is our goal to establish ourselves as the “go to” supplier for your wire and cable But we realise we can only do this by establishing trust with you. Here’s a little background on our founders.

John Jocham

I have been entrenched in the cable industry since the long hot summer of 1976 working for a number of companies in that time, predominantly manufacturers but also distributors and sales agents. After all this time I am still drawn to the heat and hum of the extruders, the chatter of the braiders and the screech of the wire drawing lines – I really need to get out more!

This background leaves me well suited to discuss the electrical and environmental performance of many varied wire and cable designs and I would love the opportunity to work with you on YOUR application.

Outside of work I am married with two teenage children and can be found riding my bike or living life vicariously through the Musical Theatre exploits of my children.

David Steele

I have been working in wire and cable distribution and operations for almost 30 years now and in that time have built a vast network of suppliers and a wide knowledge of products (note from John “He’s a walking encyclopaedia but he’s too polite to say!”)

I would love the opportunity to discuss YOUR requirements so please give me a call.

I’m married with four daughters and I am, therefore, often seeking refuge at my Rugby club Weston-Super-Mare RFC

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